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Searched for Survivor's

Augments (4)



Survivor's Resilience

Survivor's Resilience

Increases Shield Block Chance by 3%

+20% Shield Damage Blocked

+3% Health

Required Level: 50

Item Level: 50

Faction: Devil's Crossing

"When times seem most grim, the human will to survive is at its greatest."(Applied to rings and amulets)

Used in: Amulets, Rings

Survivor's Perseverance

Survivor's Perseverance

12% Aether Resistance

12% Chaos Resistance

+30% Aether Damage

+30% Chaos Damage

Required Level: 50

Item Level: 50

Faction: Devil's Crossing

"With the powers of chaos and the aether on their doorstep, the survivors have adapted to these new threats."(Applied to rings and amulets)

Used in: Amulets, Rings

Survivor's Ingenuity

Survivor's Ingenuity

+20% Total Damage

+2% Offensive Ability

+2% Defensive Ability

Required Level: 50

Item Level: 50

Faction: Devil's Crossing

"With supplies limited, the people of Devil's Crossing have devised clever solutions to deal with seemingly any threat, and that includes enchantments."(Applied to rings and amulets)

Used in: Amulets, Rings

Survivor's Ally

Survivor's Ally

12% Elemental Resistance

Bonus to All Pets:

+15% Total Damage

+12% Health

Required Level: 50

Item Level: 50

Faction: Devil's Crossing

"When allies are few, an animal companion can prove to be the only true friend."(Applied to rings and amulets)

Used in: Amulets, Rings

