


55-62 Damage (58.5 Average)

15% Piercing

Speed: Fast (-0.05)

15% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage

10% Chance of 240 Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds (80 Per Second)

+55% Burn Damage

+55% Fire Damage

+120 Health

+32 Offensive Ability

+3 to Solael's Witchfire

+1 to Hellfire Mine

+1 to All Skills in Demolitionist

Grants Skill: Devil's Spread (Level 1)

Fire a triple-shot of hellish fire at your foes.

+15% Weapon Damage

200 Burn Damage Over 2 Seconds (100 Per Second)

104-142 Fire Damage

20% of Attack Damage converted to Health

42-125 Chaos Damage

1 Meter Explosion Radius

3 Projectiles in a 45° Projectile Spread

1 Seconds Skill Recharge

100% Chance on a critical attack (target enemy).

Required Cunning: 343

Level Requirement: 50

Item Level: 50