Chosen Fireguard

Chosen Fireguard

Chosen Fireguard

27% Chance to Block 365 Damage (0.6 second Block Recovery) (100% Absorption)

72 Damage

38% Fire Resistance

10% Chaos Resistance

7 Fire Damage

95 Fire Retaliation

+32 Defensive Ability

Grants Skill: Ring of Flame (Level 10)

Surrounds the caster in a ring of flame that burns enemies within its radius.

134 Burn Damage Over 2 Seconds (67 Per Second)

75 Fire Damage

8 Second Duration

4 Meter Radius

20 Seconds Skill Recharge

15% Chance when hit by a melee attack (target self).

Required Physique: 400

Level Requirement: 35

Item Level: 35

Faction: Kymon's Chosen